Balkan Street Project
(A few samples from a yet unfinished and unpublished personal street documentary on the Western Balkans. My documentary has, apart from its geographical location, no specific theme or subject. What's more, for me as a street photographer, fleeting moments of daily life and chance encounters are the only raw material for my story. The only challenge I set myself is to travel with an open mind). (Yet I feel drawn to this vast area, a cultural patchwork that was once held together by larger empires and states, but whose countries, after the disintegration of Yugoslavia, are still searching for their own identity and direction. This intersection of ethnic, religious and language boundaries is becoming the focus of new geopolitical forces. Whether the wind blows from the EU, from Turkey, from Russia or even from China. All I can do is document these streets of honey (Bal) and blood (Kan), and hope for the former.)